Tuesday, September 17, 2013

iFriend or iFoe

So whats all the iHype about????

Hate it or love it but Apple has just released the new iPhone 5S!

Most reviews have shown that the only major differences between an iPhone 5 and the 5S is that the 5S processor is more advanced, the camera has been updated and there is a fingerprint sensor.  While I won’t go into to the technological ins and outs of what the phone has to offer, I will rather share with you some of the customer’s views. According to a iPhone 5 customer "the only improvement is the fingerprint scanner, minor tweaks to the camera, a faster chip with 64 bit architecture, nothing that will make me regret my iPhone 5".

Many consumers’ reactions have been to joke about the effects of the fingerprint sensor causing an increase in severed fingers during muggings, specifically with the high crime rate in South Africa. However, Apple has assured its customers that only a live finger can access the touch point and that to invest in a severed finger would be a total waste of time! There have also been huge critics on this new biometric technology because security experts have found that even a simple amount of Play-Doh can be used to track fingerprints.

South African consumers have also been shocked by the cost of the new iPhone 5S prices. The iPhone 5S will cost roughly R8520 for the 16GB version, R9762 for the 32GB and R11 000 for 64GB. Consumers in South Africa have also emphasized that phones in general are cheaper in Europe and the U.S. which would influence customers to want to upgrade from their iPhone 5 to a slightly different iPhone 5S. In addition, overseas contracts differ to the ones here in South Africa; the contract period is usually shorter which influences their choice in the frequency of slight upgrades.

If you would like to view breaking news on this product follow the link provided below:


If you have personally had experiences with the new iPhone 5S please leave a comment....

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